“Delhi School of Animation” is an unique animation institute which provides animation courses, multimedia course, 2d animation, 3d animation in creative arts. It also offers a range of professional courses in Graphic designing, Web designing, Interior designing, Character designing, Maya, Vfx. Delhi School of Animation is the centre of animation premesis, which provides a platform to students where a professionally work can compete on a global stage in the Animation and Multimedia Industry. It is the foundation for the students of India’s animation revolution. A state-of-the-art training facility with access to real-time production, good faculty and a world-class curriculum ensuring students a unique learning experience of animation.
Animation Courses
Professional Video Editing
Video Editing Course
Multimedia & Design
Graphics Designing Course
Graphics Design & Digital
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with us and our Teachers
As the leading provider for Animation Courses in Delhi, Delhi School of Animation provides courses in multimedia and animation that build confidence to work in animation studios, television channels, gaming companies, film production companies, and advertising agencies.
Delhi School of Animation
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Why choose us
Delhi School of Animation, offers world class training facilities in the field of Animation, Visual Fx, Gaming, Graphics and Web Designing. Our innovative pedagogy focuses on fostering creative learning with the help of highly experienced, qualified and committed trainers who inspire students to strengthen their power of imagination and breathe life into their imaginary characters.